Saturday 8 October 2016


Humility and timidity what makes the difference?
In our world of today, everyone demands respect, consideration/recognition not minding even if it would hurt others. When people discover those who they can order respect from; shout at, give command, they ascribe them the title of humility because they know they have full control over them. So to such people humility simply means having full control over somebody or people. Apparently for them, a humble person ought to sale their rights to become humble. If you are in this category as the controller then I must tell you, you lack humility and if you are the one being controlled then take it today you are only being timid.
Humility simply means the absence of pride hence pride is the opposite. Merriam Webster Dictionary also defines it as the quality or state of being humble.
Also because of the same wrong misconception of this concept, people see things go wrong but keep quiet claiming they do it for peace to reign… Hmmm Mr. Peace! What do you understand by the concept peace? Or rather, when the repercussions of the so-called peace begin to manifest would you be able to withstand it? To this fact, if you are under this category then know that you are only being timid or probably you lack self esteem therefore you need to work hard on yourself.
Many people whom we refer to as humble had turned up to be gossipers because they want to please others. To achieve this they don’t come out in public to address issues with the fear of losing their unmerited title. So they go about passing information to the courageous ones to help them gain more negative adjectives. One worst thing with this category of people is that they always have a lot of ideas but cannot execute them.
We often meet people who tell us, you don’t have patience, you are too proud, you lack respect not because they are really right but the pride in them cannot make them differentiate the humility from pride in essence sometimes we are too proud to know when people show us respect. So in order not to misjudge people no matter who you are, you need humility to identify humble people.
I am not saying Humility is bad; Nowise! But we need to identify true humility from cowardice, sycophancy, timidity and I am sure this would help us treat people fairly and to help them live happy lives.
Humility shouldn’t be mistaken as Timidity.
Humility shouldn’t be mistaken to cowardice.
It shouldn’t be mistaken to pretentiousness
It shouldn’t be mistaken to sycophancy.
But rather, humility gives one the courage, self confidence to do things that would bring about transformation, growth, development and what???

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Say No by Mahatma Gandhi

I got this nice explanation of Mahatma Gandhi from my friends of ligsuniversity and it has helped me so much i believe you will like it as well:

“A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes 'merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.
Mahatma Gandhi

The word NO is one of the most powerful and at the same times the most destructive and the most feared words difficult to say. Each of us should say the word NO almost every day to friends, colleagues, bosses, family members, etc. However, very often we try not to say it and tell ourselves that it is in our interest even though we know that it is not. If you know how to say NO and how to use it properly, it may profound and positive change our live.
When we decide whether we have to say NO, it is reasonable to ask ourselves three questions:

    Would I like to say NO?
  Do I have the power and strength to say NO?
    Do I have the right to say NO?

Saying NO is not always easy; especially if we have to say it to people that we rely on. If we are attacked by doubts, we should remember about three facts that could help us: our interests, power to say NO and the right to say it. When we match our interests, power and right, nothing can stop us. Let us remember that our duty is not to say YES to others. People should respect you even if you say them NO.

We wish you the best of luck!
Your team of LIGS University

Ooh, it pays to be pro-active

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.“

The most effective people and the most valuable employees are the ones who are proactive. They control situations by causing things to happen rather than waiting to respond after things happen. They don’t sit around waiting for answers to appear; they stand up and find the answers.
The ability to be proactive provides a clear advantage in only in the workplace but also in life, that is why we came up with a system, how to take your initiative to your own hands.
  1. Predict. Never be caught by surprise. Learn to anticipate problems and events. Understand how things work; look for patterns; recognize the regular routines and natural cycles that exist in your business. Use your imagination when anticipating future outcomes, use your creativity and logic. Come up with multiple scenarios for how events could unfold. Proactive people are always on their toes.
  2. Prevent. Proactive people foresee potential obstacles and exert their power to find ways to overcome them before those obstacles turn into concrete roadblocks. Don’t allow yourself to get swept up in a feeling of powerlessness. When challenges approach, take control and confront them head on before they grow into overwhelming problems.
  3. Plan. Proactive people plan for the future. Avoid one-step, “here and now” thinking and instead, look ahead and anticipate long-term consequences. Don’t make decisions in a vacuum; every decision is a link in a chain of events leading to one final conclusion. In order to make the best decision, you have to know where you came from, where you are, and where you want to end up.
  4. Participate. Proactive people are not idle observers, they are active participants. Recognize that you are only a piece of the whole and that you influence—and are influenced by—the actions of others. Don’t simply react to them. Engage with them. Exert your influence and make a contribution.
  5. Perform. Being proactive means taking timely, effective action. You must be decisive and willing to do the work NOW. Procrastination is not an option. Being proactive means you have taken careful, thoughtful steps to choose the appropriate path; you’re not just reacting impulsively to your environment.
Proactive people are constantly moving forward, looking to the future, and making things happen. Be one of them, starting today!

the secret of the Nigerian Church

The church in Nigeria  so much believe in the efficacy of the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary that is why she deemed it pertinent to dedicate it to her hence she is the mother of the church. So the Nigerian church will forever remain Blessed.
 Our lady Queen of Nigeria- Ora Pro Nobis.

Thursday 15 September 2016

you can Rise

Indeed human beings are a not finished product that’s why we are bound to make mistakes or fail in some means in life pursuits. Every human being is in the process of becoming who he or she is created to be, some have already become something. Saint Augustine of Hippo says, what we are is Gods gifts to us, while what we become is our gift to God. We are the finished products in the sense of who we are by creation and importantly finished products In the process of becoming who we want to be in life and who we are created to be.

Life itself is a process whereby we strive to become what God created us to be and this will in turn be our gift to be the God of creation.

Very astonishing, failure may be involved in this whole process and since life is a process, one would have to rise to rise from the fall and strive to get ones destination. We are Gods image; therefore there is nothing we cannot do if we only know who we are.

In life, if one does not make a step forward, obviously one can never fall or fail. All perfection comes with a continuous trying and quitting. Success is a point one may likely not get with just a single shot. That you failed in life does not mean that you are a complete failure in life, but it means you are not perfect. Some people build their life on history, read about people or you will not be able to finish talking the basic challenges of life. Do not pass through life without good works which yield bountiful harvest in the future and for every one fails in a trial, the future is heavily pregnant.

And also if there are no challenges and failures in life trust me, there will be no testimony. Prepare for your testimony because when preparation meets with opportunity then testimony abounds.

Every art work needs persistent and continuous reworking, planning, brushing, and polishing before arriving at a final production or if you like, a perfect product is realized. Thus we fail to life because we are at all times in need of recreation, renewal, growth, development, and maturity; it’s clear that perfect beings or products do not grow nor can they improve. They are just the way they are by their very nature and always spotless. But anybody that works to the reason for his or her birth embraces failures and stands every time he fails to make a different from others. Such a person is nicknamed, abused, cursed; in fact his or her matter will become the talk of the town, what an “elevation.” If nobody talks about you, then you are nobody. The pain of a failure should not stop you from giving yourself one more trial.

The bible tells us about the story of David. He fell into sin of adultery and rose up to become a man after

God own heart. Oh no! a position no one ever reached before him. What a grace. Who knows whether your failure is near to your success? (Judges 16) we are made to understand that Samson came in contact with Delilah, he failed (what a beautiful lady) He failed because of the captivation in his mind over this beautiful young lady. Though he refused to pass away a failure. Then His name was written among the Heroes of faith (Heb.11:13)

Moreover, when you give up in life that means your success is your next target. A young and gentle man was refused admission into the Carmelite Monastery at a certain point in time for a circumstantial reason which has remained obscure. He refused to give up, to quit, to be discouraged and to be written off or considered a failure. That young man became the future, wonderful and great Pontiff of history. (Saint Pope John Pau 11). Nevertheless, Abraham Lincoln was referred to as first class failure in the eyes of man though never felt humiliated by failure he refused to be seen as a failure. He ended up to be the greatest American president.

Conclusively, always refuse to be not looked down by words of discouragement nor let words of a mere mortal hinder you from pursuing what God has destined for you. Our problem should not be what people say about us but what we say and do about our failures. The greatest weakness of human being is refusing to try again. Life is changes and perfect in changing often. God may be slow but he is never late. The road to ones destiny is always rough, clear it by trying harder. Love and fear God and know that, for every child of God everything that happens to him or her has God’s mark.

Brief Life of Mother Theresa

 A great woman of  History





Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees him. Show us your face and we will be saved.

Your loving gaze freed zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress  and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things ; made peter weep after his betrayal, and assured paradise to the repentant thief.

Let us here, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “if you knew the gift of God”

You are the visible face of the invisible father, of the God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified

You willed that your ministered would also be clothed in weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God.

Send your  spirit and consecrate everyone of with its anointing , so that the jubilee year of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord , and your church , with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind.

We ask this of you, Lord Jesus, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy; you who live and reign with the father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen