Saturday 8 October 2016


Humility and timidity what makes the difference?
In our world of today, everyone demands respect, consideration/recognition not minding even if it would hurt others. When people discover those who they can order respect from; shout at, give command, they ascribe them the title of humility because they know they have full control over them. So to such people humility simply means having full control over somebody or people. Apparently for them, a humble person ought to sale their rights to become humble. If you are in this category as the controller then I must tell you, you lack humility and if you are the one being controlled then take it today you are only being timid.
Humility simply means the absence of pride hence pride is the opposite. Merriam Webster Dictionary also defines it as the quality or state of being humble.
Also because of the same wrong misconception of this concept, people see things go wrong but keep quiet claiming they do it for peace to reign… Hmmm Mr. Peace! What do you understand by the concept peace? Or rather, when the repercussions of the so-called peace begin to manifest would you be able to withstand it? To this fact, if you are under this category then know that you are only being timid or probably you lack self esteem therefore you need to work hard on yourself.
Many people whom we refer to as humble had turned up to be gossipers because they want to please others. To achieve this they don’t come out in public to address issues with the fear of losing their unmerited title. So they go about passing information to the courageous ones to help them gain more negative adjectives. One worst thing with this category of people is that they always have a lot of ideas but cannot execute them.
We often meet people who tell us, you don’t have patience, you are too proud, you lack respect not because they are really right but the pride in them cannot make them differentiate the humility from pride in essence sometimes we are too proud to know when people show us respect. So in order not to misjudge people no matter who you are, you need humility to identify humble people.
I am not saying Humility is bad; Nowise! But we need to identify true humility from cowardice, sycophancy, timidity and I am sure this would help us treat people fairly and to help them live happy lives.
Humility shouldn’t be mistaken as Timidity.
Humility shouldn’t be mistaken to cowardice.
It shouldn’t be mistaken to pretentiousness
It shouldn’t be mistaken to sycophancy.
But rather, humility gives one the courage, self confidence to do things that would bring about transformation, growth, development and what???

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